Apk compiling error | someone cut the power off

Hello Makeroid team,
I have an issue related to the compilation of the APK file of my app…
Whenever I try to do that an error message pops up saying"someone cut the power"
When I click on view log nothing appears on the screen.
Please tell me how do I compile my APK file now because it’s almost ready and I need to download it as fast as possible…Here is the AIA file:
ImTeen.aia (2.2 MB)
Please tell me some ways to deal with this.
Thank you,
Please reply as fast as possible…

Have you any warnings in the blocks editor?

Not at all…

Check the loops in your code again and make sure that you didn’t left any component useless and try again !!

If you set any logo then remove logo and try someone see same error for logo

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use logo 96 x 96