Describe your issue C’é qualcuno che può spiegare a un principiante di 77 anni come creare un file formato AAB da file APK creato da mitt app inventor?
Translation added by Mod
Is there anyone who can explain to a 77 year old beginner how to create an AAB format file from APK files created by mitt app inventor?
Welcome to community. Official language is English so please follow the rules. In order to use Kodular you must have the project/aia file not apk. You will have to upload project to creator and after that compile it as aab or again as apk from Export
Grazie Taifun, ho provato a farlo ma non mi viene accettato, quindi non capisco, non riesco a capire il procedimento da seguire passo passo. Se devo anche modificare il package, spero puoi essere gentile a darmi la giusta dritta per poter capire come fare.
Saluti Francesco
Translation added by Mod
Thanks Taifun, I tried to do it but I’m not accepted, so I don’t understand, I can’t understand the procedure to follow step by step. If I also have to modify the package, I hope you can be kind to give me the right tip to be able to understand how to do it.
Greetings Francesco
well, I’m assuming you are using App Inventor to create your project. Is this assumption correct? The first quesiton is therefore, why are you asking in the Kodular community and not in the App Inventor community?
And the second question is, why don’t you create the aab file in App Inventor directly like this?