APK Opening and Close (Help)

Hi Everyone!
it turns on and off from time to time on the first touch. It opens on the second tap. Is it due to an error with the screen1 or is it also due to an error from other pages? (Without warning message)

The blocks clearly show that after Screen1 has been initialized, Screen2 will be opened after a certain time (Time Interval x).

Take the exoplayer and set it above Timer Enabled = true in “screen initialize block”, but if timer interval is 1000 only, maybe it does not make any sense. Is there something in screen2?

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Exoplayer1 is voice file and playing with lottie animation. (synchronous). Screen2 is game options and start page

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Remove the code snippet from your timer event below…

Blocks to remove


I did as you said and the problem was solved. I have used these blocks on other pages. because it was failing on pages with music files. it had improved with blocks. As far as I understand it is not required on the first screen. Thank you for your help.

Thanks for be interested

Yes, I see.

The code is ok, but you have to switch the two blocks to this:

I tried as you said. I got an error again. This block should not exist in the timer.

As I see, your timer fires only one time, so it is not the problem.

You must first “open another screen” and then close the former screen. So, the error occures maybe on the other screen?

It was happening at the first opening of the application. I have used the same code blocks on other screens. I think it gave an error because it is in the timer on screen1.