I am developing a virtual course on artisanal design, of my authorship. with deliveries via application versions.
In 2023 I received training on instructional design from the IDB with an online credential.
I want to use the introductory module (based on in-person classes) to place the Play Store.
I have had a progress based on other ideas from the Kodular community forums and I want to rule out whether what I am building is allowed.
If anyone can help with improvements. And recommend where to publish the application before the play store or as an alternative.
I took the idea of “Music player” to list-present images (and it throws an error canceling a certain image every so often)
Is the “informational” application valid to publish via the play store or elsewhere?
Is the weight less than 10 MB okay?
How to make the application request update per session?
TCreaMYPE_Idea1_K.Rev1.aia (4.4 MB)
Speaking of the application.
It is based on chapter one of a novel (post-pandemic) and the parents who educate their children and study groups,
They share roles “from home” to create lessons, learning strategies to share on networks.