Also thanks to @Shreyash abd @anuragtekam0: I’ll remember your useful tipps in my next app.
I just have one more problem:
The text is too long to be viewed on a phone and I want the button to be visible at any time. So I need scrolling enabled just for the area you can see the text in. I know this feature from Thunkable and it is the only thing I can not find in Kodular so far. Apart from that Kodular of course is best Did I miss an option or isn’t it possible?
Check now Removed the Horizontal Scroll Arrnagement in which the label was placed previously (No need of Scrolling as now, the whole text is visible along with the button).
But perhaps not on smaller devices or devices set to a bigger font size in settings for accessability reasons by people who are partially sighted as example.
Yes, I noticed yestderday Modular handels it that way. I was used to another way because I switched from Thunkable so I did not look for an own block. It works.