App is not working, unbound location null

OM_Associates.apk (6.6 MB)

i use only spreadsheet extension by App Helper

can you show your screen inti blocks? Yes… App is not even opening…

Application close only if screen back press with condition


show us your clock component part from designer…
What is in the list???

these are all block

hard to find… may be due to your clock component i think… Need aia for further check up… Is this happening after fenix 1.5.2? worked earlier ?

yes, my app work fine before fenix 1.5.2 & this project is still working fine but with companion.
Only crash after installing in phone.

please follow this thread and show us the error

Have a try this method too…

Try this one Edit: nopp, NOt working

P.S Uninstall your previous version

Btw, Did this app ever work before as APK or only on companion.


yes before last update of fenix, my work fine in my phone

ok i will try and let you know result tomorrow

Just curious what is hidden behind this



Btw, Here is your logcat waookings01.txt (91.6 KB)

09-15 22:56:25.297: D/Snackbar(3053): Snackbar created
09-15 22:56:25.317: D/AndroidRuntime(3053): Shutting down VM
09-15 22:56:25.317: E/AndroidRuntime(3053): FATAL EXCEPTION: main
09-15 22:56:25.317: E/AndroidRuntime(3053): Process: com.omassociates.repo, PID: 3053
09-15 22:56:25.317: E/AndroidRuntime(3053): java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{com.omassociates.repo/io.kodular.waookings01.OM_Associates.Screen1}: /tmp/1631698608526_0.15314274433645259-0/youngandroidproject/../src/io/kodular/waookings01/OM_Associates/Screen1.yail:22:78: unbound location null
09-15 22:56:25.317: E/AndroidRuntime(3053): 	at
09-15 22:56:25.317: E/AndroidRuntime(3053): 	at
09-15 22:56:25.317: E/AndroidRuntime(3053): 	at$900(
09-15 22:56:25.317: E/AndroidRuntime(3053): 	at$H.handleMessage(
09-15 22:56:25.317: E/AndroidRuntime(3053): 	at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
09-15 22:56:25.317: E/AndroidRuntime(3053): 	at android.os.Looper.loop(
09-15 22:56:25.317: E/AndroidRuntime(3053): 	at
09-15 22:56:25.317: E/AndroidRuntime(3053): 	at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
09-15 22:56:25.317: E/AndroidRuntime(3053): 	at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
09-15 22:56:25.317: E/AndroidRuntime(3053): 	at$
09-15 22:56:25.317: E/AndroidRuntime(3053): 	at
09-15 22:56:25.317: E/AndroidRuntime(3053): Caused by: /tmp/1631698608526_0.15314274433645259-0/youngandroidproject/../src/io/kodular/waookings01/OM_Associates/Screen1.yail:22:78: unbound location null
09-15 22:56:25.317: E/AndroidRuntime(3053): 	at gnu.mapping.Location.get(
09-15 22:56:25.317: E/AndroidRuntime(3053): 	at io.kodular.waookings01.OM_Associates.Screen1.lambda23(Screen1.yail:22)
09-15 22:56:25.317: E/AndroidRuntime(3053): 	at io.kodular.waookings01.OM_Associates.Screen1$frame.apply0(Screen1.yail:19)
09-15 22:56:25.317: E/AndroidRuntime(3053): 	at gnu.expr.ModuleMethod.apply0(
09-15 22:56:25.317: E/AndroidRuntime(3053): 	at kawa.lang.Promise.force(
09-15 22:56:25.317: E/AndroidRuntime(3053): 	at kawa.lang.Promise.force(
09-15 22:56:25.317: E/AndroidRuntime(3053): 	at kawa.lib.misc.force(misc.scm:98)
09-15 22:56:25.317: E/AndroidRuntime(3053): 	at io.kodular.waookings01.OM_Associates.Screen1.$define(Screen1.yail:10309)
09-15 22:56:25.317: E/AndroidRuntime(3053): 	at
09-15 22:56:25.317: E/AndroidRuntime(3053): 	at
09-15 22:56:25.317: E/AndroidRuntime(3053): 	at
09-15 22:56:25.317: E/AndroidRuntime(3053): 	at
09-15 22:56:25.317: E/AndroidRuntime(3053): 	at
09-15 22:56:25.317: E/AndroidRuntime(3053): 	at
09-15 22:56:25.317: E/AndroidRuntime(3053): 	... 10 more
09-15 22:56:25.317: V/ApplicationPolicy(947): isApplicationStateBlocked userId 0 pkgname com.omassociates.repo
09-15 22:56:25.317: W/ActivityManager(947):   Force finishing activity com.omassociates.repo/io.kodular.waookings01.OM_Associates.Screen1
09-15 22:56:25.317: D/FocusedStackFrame(947): Set to : 0

this is some kind of theory…
however according to the documentation Logic - Kodular Docs

It acts exactly the same as the = block found in Math


A post was merged into an existing topic: Help after updating kodular, unbound location null

Check this :point_down: