When i am opening the app it keeps stopping please help.
That’s because the app is stopping right??? why not explain about your app and add some blocks image if possible?
Try to add your apk.
Blocks image & App info so that we can help you…
Also check images & Extension. Sometimes these things force app to close…
Hi there is a issue in that screen which comes after sign in. Please check that screen or post blocks of that screen…
Post image of that Blocks
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Probably this is because you have used close application
and open another screen
I do not that it is a bug or not but has been reported so many times.
Try disabling them.
Which Open Another Screen Block
Both blocks.
I am just going to test it.
I will post result as soon as possible.
its the error that some user are complaining. theres was a note that it say it will fix in 1.4.1, probably before friday some user said
I tried by removing the screens blocks but it is not working still.
When the bug will be fixed.
I can see that you have used a lot of blocks and procedures on screen initialize.
So divide them in parts and use clock(s).
Just tested close screen
and open another screen
blocks and it is working fine.
Tested it in Apk.
Which blocks are you exactly taking about when you mention close screen and open another screen Should i must implement it before opening of home screen .please help.
Then i will i open another screen …
Hello I have the same problem but for me when i connect to companion no error but when i use extructed an app it said “keeps stopping”