App not working

i finished create my app when i make lie test is work well
but when i export that to my phone the app not open or working after i install it i click on it but not open or work
can anyone tel me what is the problem

No proper explanation.
No screenshots…
No error…

How could be possible ? BTW First search in the community releted to your error and still your problem persists better post all those details.

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i was mean live test no lie test
wrong in writing hope find help :slight_smile:

Can you show your screen initialize block?
Extension used… Any asset used… Size of your aia.

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i finish my app and was work before very well and when i install it in my phone and i click to open it give me white screen for second then go out and nothing more i try to open the app again is same app not open what more i can say and the blocks is right and that never happen before just after the new update for kodular

… :point_up_2::point_up_2::point_up_2::point_up_2::point_up_2:

my project extensions

size of my aia file is 1.29 mb

Blocks are seems to be no error. Wait… You are using deep host extension it seems… disable it and try again…

let me told you new things i try to export 4 app for me was in kodular i send them to my phone as apk file all of them is same when i try to open the app in my phone is give me the splash screen then the app close
i was think the app was have wrong now all the apps do same when i exported as apk file for my phone wrong in kodular no the apps i think because this apps was work well before

Sorry to say… Deephost extension is not supported to runwith Fenix

what improve that when i use kodular test apps work well when i export as apk file apps not open in my phone is strange !!!

What is the bannerview extension? What does it do? I see it is from deephost. We don’t allow questions about extensions from deephost since he doesn’t support them.

Wow, i have written this already so many times. :wink:

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here is the x version of bannerview

You are not suppose to share direct extension link unless it is YOURS…

Ops. Sorry. @sandra_sam just use recast to update the banner view extension

I just looked at deephost his website. He still talks about AppyBuilder and Thunkable. I rest my case. And the app he has with all his extensions is full of ads. I rest my case a second time.


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