I made a Fortnite Companion App for Fortnite Players To see their Stats, Other Details about the game, etc. The app is Almost done and I am going to upload the app to PlayStore soon. It would be great if you guys can Test the app before release and let me know about all the issues. Any new opinions are also Welcomed
Checks the images in the assets. Although most are well optimized at the level of png compression, they are too large in terms of kB (and dimensions).
For example: the main background is a png file 1080x1920, 1.3MB. If you turn it into jpg with low compression you already get 300Kb without noticing any difference in the app. But I think that you can optimize it even more with the right tools (and by decreasing its size). The same goes for the other images.
Most of it are Optimized But some are left as such which will be later Optimized. Thanks For Testing the app Out Really Appreciate it. Btw Did the shop load Images ?