App update and ad revenue with kodular

I already have an app that I made through kodula. The app is making a profit through ad-mob ads. After this update, ad-mob blocks are no longer available.
If I re-create the app with an app inventer(using admob extenstion) and update it to a new version, can the revenue distributed to the kodula be automatically stopped? Or should I change the ad-mob ad ID? or do I have to do something else?

Ad extensions are not allowed. Be more clear with your problem to get help from community.

I said making an app with appinventor using admob extension.

It’s because I can’t build my app with an ad manager problem. I’ve searched a lot about ad manager problem but no questions are answered.

And what is the issue with Ad manager?

Build failed because of Ad manager child account.

I tried to make an child account, but payment page doesn’t work. Clicking that button just make the webpage refresh.