App used only by who bought it!

Hello everyone.
I need your tricks and knowledge to finilize my app.
I want my app to be used by people who payed my app.
So Once they pay me I give them a unique password to acctivate the app [once in life time; no need to enter password everytime]
Also this app can be used offline, you need to be online only in first time to activate the app.
I want also that my app can’t be shared and oppened by same password by other persons who I don’t know and who didn’t payed.
I hope this topic will help other builders who looks for same way to sell their works.
Thank you.

you need to add a server-side authentication for this, once the password is used, break the procedure of asking pswd from the app (by this way user has to enter the pswd for the first time only)

for this you have to assign the pswd to only one device id (client’s device id), if someone else tries to use that pswd, it will not work because everyone has different device ID

Also, make sure to add more security like (if someone somehow bypass the login screen and using app’s content ,check their device id if it’s registered in the paid users database or not?)

There are many thing to take care of, remember anything on internet can be hacked, some people can even access the app without registering and without device id too.

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So it is so complicated to continue in this way.

Especially I discovered that admobs works only with premium accounts and trusted plateforms.

I want to earn from this app. Any other suggestions to replace my proposed methode?


If you plan to monetize with Admob I tell you that it is not very profitable, I have apps with 5k active users and approximately 150 daily registrations and it only leaves a few cents.
If you can sell subscriptions it is the best.
There are many methods like the one you need, but it all depends on the type of application, in all cases you will need an external online service (firebase, host, etc.)

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I can help you setup all this, pm me

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