I have been making apps with Kodular for years, now I have the problem with phones with Android 14 or 15 that the apps do not open, with Android 13 they do. With Android 14 or 15 the apks are installed without problems, indicating to Android that it is a trusted software, but then they do not run. When trying to do so, only the home screen image is displayed for half a second and nothing else.
Apps that I install with old apks, from a few years ago that I keep, do work with my Android 15 phone.
The apps I use have little content. (Visorweb, extenderwebviewer, downloads, location_sensor)
To find out what’s going on use logcat
I don’t know how to use Android Studio, but by investigating I was able to get the logcat of the exact moment when I try to open my app and it closes.
I took that log to a file and since it is too long to explain here I uploaded it to my server. I leave you the link to this one.
If someone would be so kind as to tell me what happens, well it’s not just with this app but with any app that I re-create to .apk, either with Kodular or with AppInventor. They install without problems but when running they close after half a second.