Application update

I hope this helps you, what I did was a method to update your applications.
As some components of kodular I do not understand their function well, look for alternatives, that is, look for similar components but easy to use.

I use three types of extensions to facilitate updates and the extensions are

  1. FirebaseStorage
  2. InstallAPK
  3. TaifunFile

For the FirebaseStorage extension it asks for two things which would be the api key and the Bucket

For the Bucket you just have to copy this part of the Firebase in Storage.
Don’t include the part that says gs://
The API is found in your firebase project settings in the general part and in Web API Key

1- The first thing I do is delete the last update downloaded only if there is one (It is to avoid storing so much file for the user)
2- Then I look for the download URL only with the name of the file, for that I use the extension FirebaseStorage (As you only need the name of the file)
3- Once the URL is obtained, I use InstallAPK to download the apk file.
4- And finally I use the InstallAPK again to start the installation of the file.

Here I leave a small video of its operation.

Finally here I leave the links of the extensions that I used.

  1. FirebaseStorage
    [Free] FirebaseStorage Extension v2.0 (New Version) - ClassicExtensions - Community
  2. InstallAPK
    Download an APK to App-Specific Directory (ASD) and install it without permissions
  3. TaifunFile
    App Inventor Extensions: File | Pura Vida Apps

In the FirebaseStorage component, the function to obtain the name is the one they put when uploading it to firebase storage

And in the InstallAPK component the DownloadApkToASD function is the name it will have when downloading the file.

does extension require installation permission from unknown sources? because what I know is that if you install an apk from outside Playstore, it will be marked with an unknown source.

Surely it will help someone.

But my friend, you chose the wrong category for your Topic.
It’s not an Extension, but is a Guide.


im trying your way and im facing these 2 problems, can you please provide a working a aia file, so it will be easy to understand your method


And if it requires permissions for being an installation outside the play store.
Sorry for the delay, university issues.

Sorry, I hope it’s still useful because I’ve been busy with my studies and exams.

In the AIA is the blocks ordered in operation from top to bottom and I also added some comments to the blocks to describe what they do.

Hope it helps.

Actualizacion.aia (77,1 KB)


Hello, I had the same problem and when changing version 6 to v5 of the “InstallAPK.aix” extension
I was able to remove the error you mentioned above, I hope it helps you.

2 years later :rofl: