Appybuilder code editor compiler error check

Hi everyone.

I’m trying to build a extension in appybuilder.
I have some errors, i’m not expert in java… is there some code checker or compiler to that code??


Please post your code so that we can have a look at that.

@SimpleFunction(description = "Centesimal to Sexagesimal")
public double CenttoSexg(double Coord) {
  double degrees = (int) Coord;
    double minutes = (degrees - (int) degrees) * 60;
    double seconds = (minutes - (int) minutes) * 60;
    return String.join(String.valueOf(degrees)," ",String.valueOf(minutes)," ",String.valueOf(seconds));

Errors are obvious. You can’t return String from a double returning method.

Ohhh god, my failure, i should modify the public double to public string, right?
As i said…not java programmer thanks…

Yes.Simply replace double with String.

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Still not work, now no error on compiler but when load extension, something related to Join method… :frowning:

java.lang.nosuchmethoderror: no stactit method Join …

Just trying to calculate some values and join they in a string… :frowning:

public UTMCoordinates(ComponentContainer container) {
    this.container = container;

@SimpleFunction(description = "Centesimal to Sexagesimal")
public String CenttoSexg(double Coord) {
  double degrees = (int) Coord;
    double minutes = (degrees - (int) degrees) * 60;
    double seconds = (minutes - (int) minutes) * 60;
    String out = String.join(String.valueOf(degrees)," ",String.valueOf(minutes)," ",String.valueOf(seconds))
  return out;


String.join wrong … first should be the delimiter… :mask:

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