Arrangement visibility and Firebase

I want to make my vertical arrangement visible or invisible using firebase though another app(ADMIN APP) in the main Application. Plz anyone give me solution i want to make an app which is completely control by admin application

For that you need to use firebase realtime db , and some techniques ,
You should try yourself and then ask fro help

If you want to control visibility of vertical arrangement for realtime functional (continuous) then Firebase Realtime Database will be required. With its free plan only 100 active connections are allowed.

Can you please share the full blocks and tag details i am a beginner

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Hey i wanna know where i have to give that hide and show button and how it will connect with main app

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Spend some hours with firebase, test yourself, show something that you tried hard, and then only ask for help. Beginner can become master only with hardwork.

Sure i will do it thanks for your help but out of this i wanna is it also possible using airtable database??

Yes , any database you can do it , but firbase is real-time database,
Mean there is an event which triggered whenever you make any changes

If you are planning to use Airtable with free plan then it has limits of api call, app will stop if api calls limit hit. It’s better to use Google Spreadsheet. This is my extension, Test AIA with companion with your needs- [PAID] Ultimate Google Spreadsheet Extension Pack With/Without Image Hosting (An Alternative To Airtable) - Extensions - Kodular Community

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Thankyou both of you for help