Asco Player Music Player

What is the name of your app?

Asco Player

Describe your app:

Asco Player is offline Music Player app.


Song Viewer

Now Lottie Animation


search view

Syncing New Songs

starting first time

App Store/Download link:

Beta Version
Asco_Player.apk (7.6 MB)
Music notification added
UI Improved

Stable Release 1.0
Asco_Player.apk (7.7 MB)

Stable Release 1.1 and future update will be available on this link

What’s New
List Viewer Upgraded
Search Updated
Sync Button Added to refresh songs
New Lottie Animations Added
Splash Screen Updated
UI Updated
Bug Fixed
Speed Improvement


HEY BUDDY AWESOME UI, If u are using listview with image and text then that’s good but in the place of a image u can place you app icon infornt of the songs, it would look better :kodular:

,Parth :india:

Why this error occurs??

Your apps want a song at number 4 but in the list there are only 3 so you should fix it

The same error is on my iPad

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This error comes when player trying to play next song after last index in the list. I’ll fix it in next release

Thanks for you suggestions. Noted

If you are not getting any songs in the list then try to check storage permission manually.

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Please stop spamming.

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Asco Player

Stable Release 1.1 and future update will be available on this link

What’s New
List Viewer Upgraded
Search Updated
Sync Button Added to refresh songs
New Lottie Animations Added
Splash Screen Updated
UI Updated
Bug Fixed
Speed Improvement

Nice UI :heartpulse:.

thanks :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
you test it ?