Asking media permission to display images from device in Android 14

Hello. I’m trying to show images from device. I have a spesific image and I have this images path like /storage/emulated/0/Android/media/... and I want to show this image at Companion. But I have a problem. I use this block for asking permission.
Ekran görüntüsü 2024-01-02 164030
I can’t ask for permission. I can’t see any pop-up for allowing/denying the permission ask. I updated my phone to Android 14 and I think that is the problem. I added some blocks for see where is the problem.
Ekran görüntüsü 2024-01-02 163208
I ask for permission at Screen1.Initalize and I take “denied” message without any permission pop-up when I open app. I tried to give permission from phone settings but it seems like Companion didn’t ask for any media or etc. permission. How can I give “READ_MEDIA_IMAGES” permission on Android 14?

Let Kodular first Adapt to Android 13 :joy:

Use this extension

until Kodular fixes their bugs


As i said here, Companion has missing permissions in the manfest.

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Thanks. I will try.

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