Automatic screen click

I want it to be clicked automatically according to the color of the screen on the application I developed, with which formula

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I added a video. I want the floating green cursor to automatically click where I want on the screen, but when a yellow color or picture appears like this, it will wait without doing anything.

So, as far I understand, you want to make a floating button that simulates a touch in any application when you click on it. In general, it should be possible on Android, but I’m not sure if there is an extension or component that allows you to do this.

kayan bileşeni oluşturdum yusuf eklenti ile sadece yeşil icon tıklamasını istiyorum otomotik :slight_smile: kullandığım label tıklanabilir özelliği açık labelin ekrana tıklaması istiyorum sadece

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I never heard of a way to do it with kodular

I have my doubts about the use that could be put to this. Google Play would ban it in its store
So the application that implements it should focus on some tool with special access and not any application that hides this function because there you would be in trouble.