I request kodular creators to implement background task. One extension has been developed here itself which works well but a paid one. Is it possible to make such a component in kodular itself
He is not asking to provide paid extension for free but he is asking to implement it in Kodular as inbuilt component so that everyone can get benefits of it.
Thank you @The_K_Studio this is what was asked. The rest is off-topic and is deleted. Please stay on-topic.
And @rajeshcr2007 this has been asked multiple times before. First App Inventor will have to make it and then Kodular will be able to use it. That is the latest what i know about this. So you just have to be patient in this one.
See also here:
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agreed . i use this extension and it works well . please add background ability .
I guess any app inventor distro has now an easy way to create background tasks.
It is just a question of time. Probably in the next weeks and months we will see new background extensions with specific functions.