Bad Arguments in Apk

I built my app in kodular, loging in and saving the name and accoutn level using getstartvalue works fine in emulator (Nox). So the flows are like this :

  1. Login (Screen 1)
  2. Entering the homescreen, some components (cardview) are visible for some level and some doesnt. (Screen 2)
  3. When entering components to another screen, there are some sub-components that’s visible to some level. (Screen 3)
    Everyting works fine in Nox (Emulator) even when i go back to the homescreen, the startvalue is just fine.
    But when i exported it to an apk, installing it in my phone, why does it shows me “Bad Arguments to select list item” The operation select list item cannot accept the arguments"
    If i go back from screen 3 to screen 2, the getstart value is also missing. I didnt experienced that while using nox. Can anyone help me? i would be pleased, God Bless you.
    Screen 1 block :

    Screen 2 Block :

    Screen 3 Block :

    Error in Phone :

screen1 sends StartValue to screen2, but Screen2 does not send anything to Screen3 and vice versa

is that “if - not- is empty” a solution?

Friend, use logic, if it is not empty you can assign values ​​from the list to the labels, otherwise it will give you the error you are getting

Thankyou so much friend!

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