Bad arguments to -

I’m having a problem in my app but my code is a bit long I decided to ask only the part that has the error in summary the message Bad arguments to appears - in a mathematical operation of subtraction with one of the parts with empty-strigd but this only happens when I generate the .apk and install it on a device and through the kodular application the companion does not appear this error

Before doing any calculation make sure, both arguments are not empty

Check all - operations


The arguments are valued because my program is connected to the Firebase Database and is saving the numbers correctly

Well, obviously one of the arguments is an empty string, therefore you got the error…

Unfortunately you forgot to provide a screenshot of your relevant blocks…


Unfortunately the code is very large but I think I was able to see the error but I couldn’t figure out the cause I will investigate and when I get it I will split the idea to help other users

The problem is that there is no problem hahhahah I’m going crazy about this message in the companion it works right only by the APK after logging in it doesn’t work or better it works but this error appears I don’t know if I was able to describe what is happening the app does the calculation and saves it in Firebase all right ms this message appears, I don’t know why it’s showing up, it says that one of the parts of this subtraction equation is an empty string and the app does the math correctly and saves the new value


Without you showing us your relevant blocks noone will be able to help