[Beta] QuizMaster Extension


Iโ€™m excited to announce the release of my latest extension, Quiz Manager! This extension is designed to make creating and managing quizzes easier, with a smooth integration of Airtable for handling your quiz data.

:page_facing_up: Name: QuizMaster
:date: Date Released 2024-09-12T19:00:00Z

:scroll: Description:

The Quiz Manager extension allows you to build fully customizable quizzes :trophy:. Add questions, manage categories, and fetch data directly from Airtable! It includes full control over time limits, question limits, and real-time feedback, making it perfect for educational apps, trivia games, or any app that needs dynamic quizzes.

Key Features :key:

  • Airtable Integration: Fetch quiz questions from Airtable using your API key :link:.
  • Add/Edit/Delete Questions & Categories: Manage your quiz content on the go :memo:.
  • Time-based Quizzes: Set timers for the entire quiz :hourglass_flowing_sand: and individual questions :timer_clock:.
  • Real-time Quiz Summary: Get a complete quiz performance summary :bar_chart:.
  • Trigger Events: Receive real-time notifications for added or edited questions :rotating_light:.
  • Easy Reset: Reset the quiz state and start fresh with ease :arrows_counterclockwise:.

Designer Properties :gear:

  • AirtableApiKey: Set your Airtable API key :key:.
  • AirtableBaseId: Set the Airtable Base ID :id:.
  • AirtableTableName: Set the Airtable Table Name :clipboard:.
  • QuizTimeLimit: Set the total quiz time limit (in milliseconds) :timer_clock:.
  • QuestionTimeLimit: Set the time limit for each question :stopwatch:.


Events :bell:

  • QuestionAdded: Triggered when a new quiz question is added :new:.
  • QuestionEdited: Triggered when a quiz question is edited :pencil2:.
  • QuestionDeleted: Triggered when a question is deleted :wastebasket:.
  • CategoryAdded: Triggered when a new category is added :open_file_folder:.
  • CategoryDeleted: Triggered when a category is deleted :card_index_dividers:.
  • CategoryUpdated: Triggered when a category name is updated :arrows_counterclockwise:.
  • QuestionDisplayed: Triggered when a quiz question is displayed with options :bookmark_tabs:.
  • QuizSummary: Triggered when a quiz summary is ready with stats :bar_chart:.
  • QuizTimeLimitReached: Triggered when the quiz timer reaches its limit :alarm_clock:.
  • QuestionTimeLimitReached: Triggered when the time for a question runs out :clock3:.

Functions :hammer_and_wrench:

  • AddQuestion: Add a new quiz question in a specific category :heavy_plus_sign:.
  • EditQuestion: Edit an existing quiz question :fountain_pen:.
  • DeleteQuestion: Delete a quiz question from a category :wastebasket:.
  • AddCategory: Add a new quiz category :card_index_dividers:.
  • DeleteCategory: Remove a category :open_file_folder:.
  • UpdateCategory: Change the name of a category :arrows_counterclockwise:.
  • DisplayQuestion: Show a question by its index :face_with_monocle:.
  • FetchFromAirtable: Fetch questions from Airtable :link:.
  • StartQuiz: Start a new quiz in a selected category :dart:.
  • DisplayNextQuestion: Show the next quiz question :arrow_right:.
  • SubmitAnswer: Submit the answer to the current question :white_check_mark:.
  • EndQuiz: End the quiz and generate a summary :checkered_flag:.
  • IsQuizTimeLimitReached: Check if the quiz time limit is reached :alarm_clock:.
  • IsQuestionTimeLimitReached: Check if a questionโ€™s time limit is reached :clock3:.
  • GetCurrentQuestionIndex: Get the current question index :1234:.
  • GetTotalQuestions: Get the total number of questions :clipboard:.
  • GetAttemptedQuestions: Get how many questions were attempted :memo:.
  • GetCorrectAnswers: Get the number of correct answers :heavy_check_mark:.
  • GetWrongAnswers: Get the number of wrong answers :x:.
  • ResetQuiz: Reset the quiz for a fresh start :arrows_counterclockwise:.


Give it a try! :tada: Download the Quiz Manager extension today and let me know your thoughts! :rocket: Looking forward to hearing your feedback!


This is a beta Version so i am looking for your suggestions and let me know if anything doesnโ€™t work.

Thanks @Shreyash For Super Rush :zap:


Very good effort. Keep it up

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Thanks dear

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