Bluetooth permission failed in android 12

in android 12 i am trying to get permission Bluetooth connect to print slip with bluetooth thermal printer,
my app is working good in below android 12 but i am having error 908 permission auto denied
my blocks are

Is there anyone who can help me @Taifun plz help @Boban plz help

  • Please provide the exact error message
  • search the community for BLUETOOTH_CONNECT to find similar threads
  • check, if those permissions are available in the manifest


I solved this by just dragging Bluetooth client to Screen1 , and now my app works :blush:

Is my assumption correct, that you are using the BLE extension?

No i am not using BLE
I am using Bluetooth client

second guess: you are using an extension to print using a bluetooth thermal printer…

Yes , your this guess is 100% right

Which means, that extension needs an update… if you post a link to the extension here, we can inform the extension developer…


This extension to be updated since is giving this error: Need android.permission.BLUETOOTH_CONNECT permission for AttributionSource { uid = 10262, packageName = io.makeroid.companion, attributionTag = null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@f83d166, next = null }: AdapterService getBondedDevices
Note: You will not see another error reported for 5 seconds.

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