Hi, I’m approaching the world of creating APPs. I tried Flutter but I find it very complicated as I don’t have the basics. I’m trying to understand how Kodular works to create APPs and I came across the following problem.
After creating the side menu when I press the logout button, I get the error "Runtime Error Given String is empty or null .
The screen should return to the login page but it doesn’t.
Can anyone help me?
Thank you.
Here is the error I get when I click exit, can anyone help me?
Thank you.
Check string empty or null! not firebase problem!
Since the last post I have made some changes, but the problem persists. Can you tell me where the problem is?
Thank you.
use clock component clock enabled to false, timer 5000
if item click
if firebase is signed in
then fb logout
set clock timer enabled to true
when clock
open another screen1
What is the error? Use apk in phone not in companion.
The error always "Runtime Error Given String is empty or null .
I’m testing with .APK files
upload your aia
add labels in screen & check whether the values from fb is coming or not. Use Firebase get value properly or use separate firebase for separate values
Yes, the values from Firebase arrive correctly
Remove the firebase logout block just open screen
then check…error is occuring or not?
in this way when I press “Exit from your account” the error does not appear naturally I do not log out, I am redirected to the login page but since I am logged in it rightly takes me back to the Home)
It means Firebase logout is not working! try another way skip it!
so error is present in firebase authentication logout block…
use an external **Google firebase ** extension or you can simple use your login/logout logic with tinydb+firebase realtime database…
sometimes everything is working fine but an unexpected error disturbing us from no where so If you just want to skip that error then you can manage any error that occurring on current screen with screen error from Screen section and replace that error
I understand, first of all thank you for your help, I hope this error will be fixed.