Bug Kodular can't distinguish Pictures

Try this one box34app.aia (78.0 KB)


I fail to follow your logic.

Presumably, you click on the “Photo” button, which launches the PICK activity, where you select an image.
After that activity has completed, it returns, triggering the “After Activity” event where you use the URI of the image (why use “Activity_Starter1.Result URI” instead of “result”; does Image Editor ask for an image or the URI of an image?) to crop/resize/whatever and push the image in “Photo.Picture”.

Then what?
You click on the “Save”, which is supposed to take the image of the LOGO (i.e. NOT the Photo; at this point, it is assumed that LOGO has not been activated) and save it by calling Pictodrive1, which will, when completed, trip the Pictodrive1.UploadSuccess event, which will launch ANOTHER instance of Pictodrive1, this time with the Photo component, which will, when completed, trip the Pictodrive1.UploadSuccess event, which will launch YET ANOTHER instance of Pictodrive1 (with Photo) which will therefore keep calling itself for the rest of eternity?

It worked, but I don’t noticed the changes you made in the blocks. Can you explain?

You mean you missed the “Global OneTime” that prevents the component from calling itself?

Of course, in a production app, you’d want the logic to manage the value of OneTime perhaps in a different way.

==> see how much easier it is for us to help you when you actually show some code instead of relying on our mind reading capability? :wink:


only those have to ask here in the community, who are not aware, that the Do it debugging feature exists…
usually a developer does the work himself/herself rather than ask others to debug the project… also doing it yourself would be much faster but it seems to be you have loads of time…


That was only a quick solution for not to do

The images overwrote each other with his example as he used default name only for them, so I only added save new image as to distinguish them


Yes. Yet another example of the bug being located between the chair and the keyboard.

Dude, you weren’t even following the logic of the code but now you feel comfortable to be ironic with my work? :man_facepalming:

We need more Bobans in this community, people that actually helps instead of cheap talking.