Hi, sending values from an ESP8266 to Firebase Realtime Database. The values are received correctly in the database as shown in the photo. However, on the app I can only correctly display the “Level” and “Model” values, while for “Values” and “Related Values” only the first part of the text is shown.
For example, in the database the value of “Values” is:
Values: “0v.min 7 v.att 44”
On the app, however, only “0v.min” is displayed, excluding the rest of the text after the spaces.
where you upload data use septrater and sent values as - or _ other instead space…
or simply use Replacement Text block to replace all spaces to other character like _ or -
and where you getting Vlues use again replacement block to replace that character to space
the value sent is String (read perfectly from the database) so I assume it is a Kodular bug in displaying this value on the app, I think I cannot avoid spaces or replace them.
this is not a Kodular error.
this is a Firebase.
Firebase automatically removes the beginning and ending spaces when executing queries.
therefore, a string with a space can be stored in the database, but only the part without a space is taken into account when searching.
you use a simple escape by replacing a space with another valid character. as written above as an example
This value includes the name of the WiFi network (which may also contain spaces, but not in this case) and the WiFi signal. It is read correctly from the database, including spaces, exactly as it is sent by the ESP8266.
Before trying Kodular, I had tested Thunkable and the values were perfectly displayed on the app, and were exactly what you see in the photo.
For this reason I insist in saying that it is a BUG.