I am making a Language Learning app. I decided to download the .apk to see how big the file size was getting. However, I faced this error:
When I clicked on view log, it said:
Kodular is unable to compile this project.
The compiler error output was
________Preparing application icon
________Creating animation xml
________Creating fragment xml
________Creating listview xml in res/layout/…
________Creating listview xml in res/layout-v21/…
________Creating xml in res/drawable/…
________Creating splash png in res/drawable/…
________Creating colors xml
________Creating styles xml
________Creating drawables xml v21
________Checking for firebase
________Creating provider_path xml
________Creating network_security_config xml
________Generating adaptive icon file
________Generating round adaptive icon file
________Generating adaptive icon background file
________Generating manifest file
________Attaching native libraries
________Attaching Android Archive (AAR) libraries
________Attaching component assets
________Invoking AAPT
AAPT time: 0.791 seconds
________Compiling source files
(compiling io/kodular/saiansh1910/LanguageLearn/Bgn_PC2.yail to io.kodular.saiansh1910.LanguageLearn.Bgn_PC2)
(compiling io/kodular/saiansh1910/LanguageLearn/Bengali_Test.yail to io.kodular.saiansh1910.LanguageLearn.Bengali_Test)
(compiling io/kodular/saiansh1910/LanguageLearn/Bgn.yail to io.kodular.saiansh1910.LanguageLearn.Bgn)
ERROR: io/kodular/saiansh1910/LanguageLearn/Bgn.yail line 1009: ‘0’ is not a valid identifier
ERROR: io/kodular/saiansh1910/LanguageLearn/Bgn.yail line 1060: ‘1’ is not a valid identifier
ERROR: io/kodular/saiansh1910/LanguageLearn/Bgn.yail line 1111: ‘2’ is not a valid identifier
ERROR: io/kodular/saiansh1910/LanguageLearn/Bgn.yail line 1162: ‘3’ is not a valid identifier
ERROR: io/kodular/saiansh1910/LanguageLearn/Bgn.yail line 1222: ‘4’ is not a valid identifier
ERROR: io/kodular/saiansh1910/LanguageLearn/Bgn.yail line 1273: ‘5’ is not a valid identifier
ERROR: io/kodular/saiansh1910/LanguageLearn/Bgn.yail line 1324: ‘6’ is not a valid identifier
ERROR: io/kodular/saiansh1910/LanguageLearn/Bgn.yail line 1375: ‘7’ is not a valid identifier
ERROR: io/kodular/saiansh1910/LanguageLearn/Bgn.yail line 1437: ‘8’ is not a valid identifier
ERROR: io/kodular/saiansh1910/LanguageLearn/Bgn.yail line 1488: ‘9’ is not a valid identifier
ERROR: io/kodular/saiansh1910/LanguageLearn/Bgn.yail line 1539: ‘10’ is not a valid identifier
ERROR: io/kodular/saiansh1910/LanguageLearn/Bgn.yail line 1646: ‘20’ is not a valid identifier
ERROR: io/kodular/saiansh1910/LanguageLearn/Bgn.yail line 1697: ‘30’ is not a valid identifier
ERROR: io/kodular/saiansh1910/LanguageLearn/Bgn.yail line 1748: ‘40’ is not a valid identifier
ERROR: io/kodular/saiansh1910/LanguageLearn/Bgn.yail line 1799: ‘50’ is not a valid identifier
ERROR: io/kodular/saiansh1910/LanguageLearn/Bgn.yail line 1852: ‘60’ is not a valid identifier
ERROR: io/kodular/saiansh1910/LanguageLearn/Bgn.yail line 1903: ‘70’ is not a valid identifier
ERROR: io/kodular/saiansh1910/LanguageLearn/Bgn.yail line 1954: ‘80’ is not a valid identifier
ERROR: io/kodular/saiansh1910/LanguageLearn/Bgn.yail line 2005: ‘90’ is not a valid identifier
ERROR: io/kodular/saiansh1910/LanguageLearn/Bgn.yail line 2060: ‘100’ is not a valid identifier
Kawa compile time: 1.859 seconds
I am also attaching an aia file for reference.
Could the error be because I have too many audio files in the project?
Thanks in advance
LanguageLearn.aia (3.0 MB)
@Kodular Please help me !!!