Naming conventions

This is a starting point for a discussion. @Boban showed a naming conventionlist in another topic. Is this something that we could make a list of. I added the userinterface components and the layout components so we have to add many more. Kodular has the most extensive list of components of any builder. Making so many three letter abbreviations could get confusing or do you think otherwise.

I changed some abbreviations because i think the original writer was in error. He used for example vsa for vertical arrangement but i think that should be var. Vsa should be for vertical scroll arrangement.


Naming conventions help you to organize your code and also make the code more self documenting. This concept has been around since the beginning of programming and is a good best practice. Here are some of the current naming conventions you could use in your code.

We used an old list from 2012 as a startingpoint that was published on

acs = Acceleration Sensor
act = Activity Starter
bal = Ball
bon = Bottom Navigation
bos = Bottom Sheet
btn = Button
cam = Camera
cav = Card View
chv = Chat View
cip = Circular Progress
ckb = Checkbox
clk = Clock
cvs = Canvas
fab = Floating Action Button
ftc = Fusion Tables Control
har = Horizontal Arrangement
hsa = Horizontal Scroll Arrangement
img = Image
imp = Image Picker
lbl = Label
lip = Linear Progress
los = Location Sensor
lpr = List Picker
lsi = List View Image and Text
lsv = List View
nfs = Near Field Sensor
not = Notifier
ors = Orientation Sensor
ply = player
ptb = Password TextBox
rab = Radio Button
rtb = Rating Bar
sld = Slider
sml = Side Menu Layout
snb = Snackbar
snd = Sound
spc = Space
spn = Spinner
spo = Spotlight
spr = Image Sprite
srl = Swipe Refresh Layout
stb = State Progress Bar
suv = Surface View
swt = Switch
tba = Table Arrangement
tbl = Tab Layout
tdb = Tiny Db
twb = TinyWeb db
tmp = Time Picker
txb = Textbox
var = Vertical Arrangement
vid = Video Camera
vsa = Vertical Scroll Arrangement
vpl = Video Player
vwf = View Flipper
vwp = View Pager
web = Web Component
wbv = Web Viewer