Build server has been offline for an extended period

When i try to export app it says Build Failed Error Writing The server. Please help I am trying to make app. please help me

Hello, you can check the status of each component of Kodular here :

Please resume build service as soon as possible, my app has been unable to compile for two consecutive days
Please make sure that your company can guarantee the normal operation of your service, my app will be online in less than 24 hours
Thank kodular for your support, please resume build service as soon as possible

It has been 2 hours since I posted. When does the official plan to fix it

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I know, I also discovered that the server is offline through this page. I would like to ask when it can be restored

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What’s wrong with Kodular’s build system

Continuous unstable service for several days will cause losses to both developers and Kodular

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I hope the official can respond

Build failed error writing to server, this is what I am getting error since last night, is it only me or anyone else is also facing the same issue, please let me know, I even checked the Kodular platform status, even there it’s showing Build server is offline. please let me know if others also facing the same issue, if yes then when can we expect the resolution?

You can take a look at my post, I also have this issue, which has not been resolved since yesterday until now

Build server live now

I don’t know why the app is not getting exported from the builder. Is this a bug or is this only happening with me when I export. The build server is currently busy please try again in a few minute

Build server was online again for few minutes, but again it went offline.

It was only for few minutes, but again went offline now before my app was exported.

same, mine also not exporting

are kodular’s servers from temu? or why are they always busy​:sob:trying to export apps but whenever i need the most their build servers are always busy. :frowning:

Hello kodular, We’re trying to convert an app to apk file but thee website showing Build failed! Error writing to server ------- How much time to so

try now it’s work

Check now working. Checkout my new post also. :grinning: