Builder inconsistencies

I have looked at all the components to see what happened when i placed them on the “designerphone”.

I don’t like the rounded corners on a number of components.
For instance: Textbox, Password Textbox, Spinner, Emailpicker

Can the corners be square? They are square after you install the apk or try it in the companion so why not in the designer.

If i drag and drop components and i keep my mousebutton down the component appears always where to component is but not with the videoplayer. If i drag the component it appears two components higher.

If you drag and drop you get to see the name that the component gets for instance button_1 or when you pick another one button_2. But not all components have this. Sometimes you see only the icon not the text. This happens for instance with the videoplayercomponent, but there are more.

Humm, do you mean the preview in the phone or the property like for example to set the hint or the text?

I would like both but if it can be done in the preview that would be great.

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It couldn’t be done for this update, sorry :disappointed:

In some hours we will migrate traffic to the new version, so you can use PushNotifications and the Switcher


Hi @Peter!
I am currently working on making the previews as realistic and close to the apk as possible. We’ll release a fix in a few days time.