Camera - Error 201, the camera did not return an image / missing Pictures folder

Which permissions are there available in the manifest of your app? To find it out, use apktool…

It might help to drag the file component into the working area and set DefaultFileStorage to Legacy in the properties of Screen1 to get the required permissions in the manifest…

Also don’t forget to use the AskForPermission method accordingly…


Thank you, it is working now.
I changed manifest but keep DefaultFileStorage to App.

PLEASE…kodular…fix this bug…

im really desperate…my expectation…after upgrade to premium this bug already solved…
but why until now…its still problem…

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Hi, I’ve tried to solve the problem with that code but I couldn’t becouse I don’t have the block Create Directory.

The workaround provided here Camera - Error 201, the camera did not return an image / missing Pictures folder - #21 by jimy_jonayker does not use any create directory block


Thank you : )

hello Hendro, I have the same problem as you, I had solved it using the Surface_view.

the problem with this is that all the images that the surface takes, get saved at just one file, the same name file, so you need to take that file, copy it to another file and then you need to renamed it, if you dont do this, all the pictures that you will take with the surface_view are going to be the last image that you had taken.


are you already fixed this one,
because i have same problem

thanks before

After much research, I found an easy, quick and very practical solution.


how i want to used this apk in kodular?

Its been 4 years and not solved yet? I am facing this error again.
Has kodular project been terminated and no one takes care of it ??


This is not fixed yet? has been 4 years now


First, thank you for your example, it works perfectly, but if I want 3 different photos, do you have the solution?

Great Work…It Functions!!!