Can Anyone Help Me How To Make This List Scrollable And Viewable

Hello Sir Ill Created an List Viewers Thought TinyDb In Previous Screen Ill Saved Data Frm “Makelist” Block In TinyDb And This Screen Ill Showing The All Data In list Viewer But The List Was Not Scrolling So Viewer Cant View All Data .

Can Anyone Help me With Block Ex. please

Here Is Screen Shot​:point_down:

Your question is unclear. Can you be a little bit more clear woth what you want to ask?

BTW, just wandering :thinking: why would a list scroll, if it has only one item in it?(from your screenshot)

Because your list has only 1 item.

No That Is Not One Item From Date To Remarks is one line and another is 2nd line and ill also added multiple data’s But Its Showing Only 1st data not otherone.

Here is screen1 where data generate user :point_down::point_down:

If your screen is set to scrollable then you have to set the height of the ListView to a set percentage and it won’t scroll. You can try putting an arrangement above or below the ListView then putting it’s height as Fill Parent, while the arrangement is another percentage… doesn’t matter what percentage but it can’t be more than 45% to test, let me know how it goes.

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not working any other extension like list view so i can view data on that?

Just put it in a scrollable arrangement and everything should be fine

Not Working

Can you show us what you made in Designer?