Can change default screen?

Can i cbange default screen from screen1/to screen2.

Or can i copy screen 2 components (not screen) into screen1.

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Short answer: No.


Shouldn’t this work to get the same effect?



Yes but i have problem with side menu as it is not working properly in screen2 and works well in screen 1 so i want to replace screen1 or copy screen2.

I have done a lot of work on scree 2 and i dont want to repeate it in screen1
Ao plz help. Tell some trick to peoblem

There is no other trick.

Feeling sad :cry::cry:

Use Backpack to copy blocks across screens, but you will have to do the design again.

I know about backpack but redesigning is the main issue.

A hard process can fix it:

  1. Download the AIA
  2. Open the AIA with a WinRar or any other software
  3. Nativate to src/io/makeroid/email/app
  4. Remove Screen1.scm and Screen1.bky
  5. Copy Screen2.scm and Screen2.bky to Screen1.scm and Screen1.bky
  6. Save the new AIA
  7. Upload the AIA to Makeroid
  8. Done

NOTE: This method is a “manual” copy screen process, but I think it will help you


Does it works? You have tried this?

Yes, I made that several times
Send me the AIA if you want me to do it


Ohh im really very thankful to you. As i dont have PC so i cant do it. I will send aia in few minutes.

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Use Ex file Explorer App to Extract any file.:relaxed: You can work without computer also…

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No in EX file explorer it will open in notepad and shows verlarge code in Chinese. I have tried it :joy::joy:

Not working on kodular today
Please tell another method bcz there are all screens on the src file

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It would be great if you suggest a new solution. Thanks and regards.

I don’t know if the problem is still relevant, but I ran into the same problem today.
But I solved the problem by copy pasting components/arrangement layouts etc. from the “All components” window.
As usual the shortcuts for copy and paste are Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V.

Hope it helps someone.

Naveen Namani