Can i make an online booking application where every user can see the if the date was available or not

Can i make an online booking application where every user can see the if the date was available or not.

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Yes, firebase will be better for you

how? the only thing that i can do in firebase was to do a login screen.

Once any user finished booking , create a common bucket BookedDates in which you save the booked date as value against username as


Next time whenever user tries to book then call tag list under this bucket. And check the date using the block Isin the list

If exists
Then Alert user that the date is already booked
Else continue to book and save the date under the fb bucket

I’m sorry, what? HAHAHAAHAH I only understood a little bit. can you show me a sample block? :< pls

can you show me some examples pls? It’s my first time hearing “Common bucket” where should i put that? in the kodular or the firebase? will it be automatic?

is there any automatic way? i mean im gonna use the datepicker and If they click the date they will see all the scheduled time (Available and occupied) in that certain place.

You must be more specific… we can suggest based on your first post. As per the post you asked us how to show the booked dates to one and all so i suggested. If queries clear and transparent and our suggestions also will do same…

okay so I’ll make it clear. First, i wanted to create an online booking application where the users can book a place to a certain date. if the date were already booked by the other user, i wanted it to show a notification “The date was already booked”. something like that