Can I speed up and slow down the tempo for the sounds?

Not sure but maybe don’t even need that. A web view may work fine with html5 tags, and html5 allow change the speed of audio and video. Never tested it but depending on the project is worth to try


I envy you so much, how knowledgeable you are. Thank you so much. I got a solution from you for 2 problems. it’s just up to me to do the same like a jigsaw puzzle. I’m a bit of a fool, but I’ll get it done tonight.

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I did everything (I think) but I can’t see it on the homepage. I just wanted to see the pace car

You have to attach the initialize block where when you have to start the music for example in an event when button click ,etc.

In path you have to give the source of the music like its path or url

Also leave thumbnail, subtitle, subtitlelang fields empty

Here is small example :point_down:


You can also attach variable in path which contains url of the music if calling url from any database

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I want it to rule all players. I don’t know what to write on the path
I have uploaded the audio files. now will I show them the way one by one and how?
Also I can’t see the speed image on my homepage.


If you want to load the files from assets you can follow this procedure :point_down:




Here you just have to write music file name of the file you uploaded in assets :point_up_2:


I think I can.

Why can’t I see it on the home page? I wanted a standalone slider or + - button. speed up or slow down rhythms as you play., Am I really on the right track? :slight_smile:

It will initialize in the apk when you click the button for playing

but i want it to show below constantly, this is the biggest feature of my app. Can’t I do this? just like a slider.

Because first the speed will be adjusted and then it will be play. That’s how it is in orgs :slight_smile:

hi, can you tell me how to do it with html5? :=)

Would you look at my blog, there is a lot wrong, it doesn’t happen anyway :slight_smile:


In then field paste this


Could you be a little more descriptive? Is this problem 1 or 2?

only write “assest” area

file:///android_assets/ :white_check_mark:

file:///android_assest/ :x:


I wrote it as it is, is it right for me? : /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/io.makeroid.companion/files/assets/

and this way when clicking the button it gives an error :

WhatsApp Image 2021-09-11 at 13.48.40

Try this one :point_down:


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I Can’t find this :frowning:

Use search :sweat_smile: and drag it in the screen

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