Can i store the canvas as image on firebase or mysql?

blocks (1)
i want to make my canvas store to firebase, or maybe mysql

how can i do that? can someone give me an example or maybe documentation that can i take a look into it?
thank you

So, you need first to use Save block, to save your canvas as an image:

This block :point_up: would return the file paths of your image, now you can upload this image to cloudinary,firebase storage or your own server:
Now you get a download url of your file, now you can add this download url to your database :wink:

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its kinda complex for newbie for me, but ill try to read that docs, thanks

uhh i dont know how to export this file to my storeage before uploading to firebase

i try this one but cant store it as image on external

blocks (2) @Mohamed_Tamer

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