Can the kodular set the boundaries of the place, for example, to the boundaries Hospital 300 meters

:confounded: :confounded: :confounded: :confounded: :confounded: :confounded:
Why is it so difficult? Can anyone teach me one step at a time?

Blocks ready … ?
Answered above :

1-Create your database.
2-Understand how to create the circle and the markers.
3-Understand the component navigator.
4-Use your database to make the drawings on the map.


aia blocks ready …( coming soon )

Think ready :thinking:

Does anyone have an out-of-bound formula?

I thought about it and it didn’t work at all.

How do I check that it is out of the circle?

I used a formula that calculates the distance between 2 points on the earth and generated an extension.
Option 1 - use it on Kodular blocks
Option 2- use it to generate an extension

Is there an example code for not using an extension? I really can’t

There are different ways of calculating this distance.
You can find it on Google.
Take it and use the Kodular blocks.
I did not use Kodular blocks.
Geodesic Distance (15%) and Haversine

I merged your topics. Don’t double post.

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If you search in community you will get how to calculate distance between the two places using one static geo location and user geo location



No one used the block kodular to find the distance.
I want the formula and not use extension.

It mean you need to use complex formula. To avoid only we r recommendING free exten

Is it this formula that finds the distance between two points?


Why doesn’t it work?

This is not the formula . Map will give us only radian values

Oh, what do I do? :thinking: :thinking: :dizzy_face: :dizzy_face: :dizzy_face: :dizzy_face: :dizzy_face:

this is the formula

But this guide works based on kodular blocks only. So you didnt see the guide that we have provided

aia cant use.

Open the provided aia in your creator page, drag the blocks into your bagpack then move to your original project, again drag the uploaded blocks to your project and add the missing blocks. Simple