Hello Koders I am working on my one of my chatting apps which I want to add a feature for slider duration in dynamic component everything working fine in my app but the problem is with only slider duration
Before you take at a look on my specific blocks for Player Slider Duration Kindly take a look on the container from Dynamic Component
This block seem to work but not as expected because the slider follows the seconds only and not the duration!
I expected this block to be a solution and solve the problem but for real it turns to a great error because the slider ends up to the end and doesn’t follow the duration player
SetProperties and SetProperty block only should be used as fallback when there is no setter function for the component, (for example, you can use SetProperty block for setting “HTMLFormat” on a Label, because there is no available block in the Label for doing that, however you don’t need SetProperty block for setting “FontSize”, because you can already change it from blocks)
SetProperty block may not handle all types of values (numbers, strings etc - even though I added support for some types, it is still not perfect). So, I recommend using component’s own setter, which is more reliable.
No, I mean dynamically created components doesn’t have any properties at the first. When you add a component, say like a Label to the Designer, it gets some default properties in the Designer, like text color which you don’t require to set to black, because it is already black by default in Designer, however, for dynamically created components, you need to also set these default/common properties to make components work, in this case, a Label may not be visible unless you set a color. So, it is out of scope of what this extension for.