Can we use dynamic link in Application for showing images in Application?

Can we use dynamic link in Application for showing images in Application? & if i can use then Playstore Approve my application please tell me about this

I have more apps which are displaying list items coming as result sets from database queries. The list items include URLs and obviously the images found at those URLs.

You should take care of the nature of those images. So when it’s possible that some images are showing violence, nudity, offensive text comments, drugs etc. you have to fill in the IARC declaration and the age recommendation accordingly. That’s all.

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really thank you i used e Commerce picture likes T Shirts Pants grocery items
can i use it?

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I think other guys will clarify this. I’m neither in e-Commerce nor in the advert business :slight_smile:

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Sure. Use any database (i.e : Airtable, Firebase, Cloudinary)

Yes they will.

Note : Not to use copyrighted images.