Can you make a living out of Admob and other network ads? Why not me!

Wow @teamadmire01 that is good news for me to hear at this time, surely you seem to be a Goldy helping tool, I wish that you could help me to know more.

I have heard that propeller ads are very good and they give good money to people who use Website, but I didn’t how to integrate it on Android App since there is no that option or is there any extension I should use?

Thanks in advance I looking forward to your next reply.

I can make a video for you just tell me which language i should use.

English would be the best optian. That way more people will be able to understand your tutorial.

Can you please share with community how much traffic you have on your app? Because, not only me but also a majority of community members gonna be shocked by this line you said! :thinking:

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Thats $120,000 a year!

How are you managing that and what is your app?

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It will be 120000 INR not $120000


i manage it with my yt channel.

Wow @teamadmire01 use english please or use google translation from any language to English because I only know English. I recomend this translation fro hind to English

If you mean the Indian Rupee then at the spot rate right now that’s $1677.24.

Not as good as $120,000 but still useful.

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the primary reason for this is your maximum traffic is from US.
US is among tier one ad countries.

Someone close this


  1. dont use only admob. Yesterday only, i figured out i am getting 0.25$ for 1000 impressions from admob, however getting 3$ from facebook ads for same impressions, since both ads are in same app. note:- my traffic is global.
  2. have patience. Growing a business takes time. In order to make living, you will be required to have atleast 10,000 active installs. So, think about bringing traffic towards your app.