Cannot upload my app's APK file!

It worked but I got 2 warnings , should I ignore them ?

You Can ignore.

But -

1st warning says you have unused blocks which is increasing app size.
And also having unused Blocks is not a good Practice.

2nd warning says you have used Obfustucated Text where it should not be used.

You can fix both in next update.

How can Google know this

I finished my app in kodular without any warning or error , but when I reviewed the app in play console it gave me many warnings and some violations!! but when I tested my app here it was fine. I’ve published the app in google play anyway , Is there a possibility that they will refuse to publish the app or these warnings are normal ? First time to publish there so I don’t have an experience of what’s going on .

i don’t know but it states so.

I got warnings ok , but why violations ?!! All kodular app layouts and blocks are fine with no errors at all , testing the app with all admob ads was also fine. So why the violations .

This means you need to upload a kotlin file which is obfsucated so that google measures the crashes and anrs easily.

First these are not violation warnings these are just suggestions to improve your apps okay just ignore them just ignore. You don’t need to do anything is these warnings comes.

If these are errors or violations so you can’t able to upload app on playconsole

Regarding package name,

Now package name accepts single name

It’s code :grin:

You can ignore both of them

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Where is written that this apps contains unused blocks ?

This means if your app size must be smaller than you got more downloads .

If your app size is under 1 mb than this warning also comes.

This is just for optimize app

Really ? I don’t think so
Because playstore doesn’t support a single name they also suggest to use this format


True and there by

After reading first line of error message
i thught more blocks means more code.

Whether you only have two components in your app, all components code are written to your apk and there by unused code in apk…

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Got it,
And Sorry For Wrong Information.

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No worries!!!


This message is notifying me after every 10 minutes from the time you sent it

now this one too

So I realize that i actually didn’t do any error . All warnings came from this compatibility issue ?!!

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