Cant able to upload apps to play store

hello guys

i cant able to upload my apps on play store after new update it shows a error like supported device comparison

It’s not preventing you from publishing… It’s just telling you that some devices will no longer support your app.

It’s just a warning because of the change of the minimum API.


ok but i cant update my app now

roll out button is not showing

Make sure that you have completed all of the required steps. Check the side menu and make sure that all of the ticks are green (not grey).


this app is already on play store and m just trying to update this app

Have you completed App Content step?

Change version code and version name again,above your pending update,then upload again by click release edit button

yes everything is ok and all the contents are completed

but the play store shows an error while updating the app and i am trying to update the app which is already on play store, not uploading new app