Cant create card21

this my google sheet

when i click button 1, i got error ( on google sheet, my data have 52 rows, but it only create 20 cards)

How i can click anycard, and set webviewer url to link (global link) inside card
Thank you very much

Post your blocks too. There is an error when you work with the item number 20 , you are not passing the unique ID but card 21

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this my blocks

I Don’t understand why you set a variable after each add item in list .

And probably your got error because use the same unique ID . See the pic ,
the ID card2 with item 1 = card21
so when your first card get item 21 will find an used ID

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I’ve try to move label1 and label2 to cardview1 ( dont use cardview2) and got error
can u fix my aia, thank you
and how to set webview1 url to link inside cardview ?

Show the block .
What you mean with inside the cardview? When you click it you want to open a link?

when click cardxxx, call webviewer go to link inside red area (in my aia, is called global link)

I’m not sure but I think you have to manage this operation with the when dynamic card click event with a list connected with all the link, id1–>link1–>item1 , id2–>link2–>item2 etc

can you teach me create full 50 cards in global img

Probably always a problem with ID name, show your new block . Remember to clear/delete all the ID before a new test

Your way is correct, you have to pay attention about the name , probably you don’t need two cardview but only one , for the second label use labelB and you are ok

I think It will work, If I remember well there isn’t a list of all the valid ID but you can create one yourself adding the id of the card view after creation . So you will use index in list block instead of replace.

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I’ve try too manytimes,too many way, when i use one cardview (move label1, label2 to card1) it just create one card …(expected unid id1)

I know my fried but you have to post blocks too or you have to wait someone at computer . I can’t open a computer and write a code always :pensive: I have two little kids running anywhere :rofl::rofl: Now in Italy is 1:23 and I waked up to rock my little one. :sleeping: Again no computer for me , only big red eyes opened :rofl::rofl:

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i just woke up, yesterday i worked from 8pm to 2am, searched on google a lot, watched youtube a lot… i also found cardview extension, very easy to use, but lag when loading 60 cards…

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I hope to sleep soon , I will read you tomorrow

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You cannot use numbers in object names.


If you have a component called Card2, in each cycle it will be called Card21, Card22, Card23… When you want to create Card21, it will already exist


Learn to create dynamic objects using schema, you will save a lot of blocks, good luck. Don’t forget to mark the solution

Thank you for your help, it worked !

As I said you at the beginning :rofl:

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