Cant create columns or table in phpmyadmin, MySQL extension by Deephost

Hello everyone,
When I try to creat table or create columns in phpmyadmin but nothing created and still nothing change, please I need help. Thank’s all.
There is my compnonat’s

There my phpmyadmin site

Please ask the author of the extension for help

Unfortunately I don’t know how is the auther and how texting him.

Where did you find the extension? Just ask there…

Alternatively use the web component, see also


Thank you Mr.taifun I used the same compnonat who you send it, which it designed by shivalwolf and I don’t know how to connect with him. Thank you Mr.taifun

You have 2 options

  1. continue using the Deephost Mysql extension. In this case ask Deephost for help, this community can’t help then

  2. use the web component to connect to the database as explained in my tutorial. If you follow that suggestion and you get stuck, then provide some relevant blocks and elaborate



Searching, Reading a lot, Trying, Testing are part of learning :+1:

Thank’s all, specifically Mr.taifun, I’ll try to use web compnonat and reporting you with resalut’s. Thank you very much.

There are many examples about web component,post and Mysql here in community.