Can't delete extension from my project

I deleted more than one extension from project but not successfully deleted. One extension show error message. See this screen shot

Remaining deleted successfully but after refereshing again shown in extension side. Even i have downloaded .aia file and with the help of 7zip, i deleted all those extensions with but when i uploaded it again it show server error. plz suggest and i am not able to upload it.

If you wish post your aia if contains non paid extensions here or pm me to check it

Do not try to delete the extension while it is connected with companion. First disconnect it and try. If not make it as aia and open the aia with 7zip and go to assets>external_comps>(delete the unwanted extension folder name) then upload this aia into project

FITHOLIX (1).aia (1.1 MB)
please help me

Problem was solved via pm, there was also leftovers from a project within a project that caused the error

Remove the (Kodular Companion) assets folder from your device:
For Companion and an Android 10+ device it is:

Computer\Pixel 2 XL\Internal shared storage\Android\data\io.makeroid.companion\files\assets\external_comps

This is the path to the assets (external comps) via USB connection (computer).

Ah, ok. But I have to remove the assets folder for some of my apps so that they also work correctly with Companion.

Problem solved for @ahmadsaeed841 's problem


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