Cant submit data from kodular to google form

hi to all members, im having problem with google form submit via kodular, i did change the end of url by formResponse but cant submit to google form as usual. anyone can help me to identify the problem? thank you

ref here

or here

Que tal, dependiendo como se obtienen los datos, veo que te falta el bloque

Texto: ?entry. “ID respuesta del Form” = 
Poner (Web) Como → Llamar → Codificación URI → Contenido del cuadro de texto.
Llamar (Web) Obtener

He aquí mi ejemplo, en español pero toma lo que te sirva, aqui tengo mas validaciones que te pueden interesar.

How about, depending on how the data is obtained, I see that you are missing the block

Text: ?entry. “Form response ID” =
Set (Web) To → Call → URI Encoding → Text Box Content.
Call (Web) Get

Here is my example, in Spanish but take what works for you, here I have more validations that may interest you.

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