Can't use Floating Action Button with Spotlight?

As shown below, is there a way I can use a spotlight with a FAB?

Or a way I can use a different component in the same place as the FAB.

I want to explain what the FAB can be used for with the spotlight.

Any ideas?

You can use same approach as i did for sidemenu, see more i the link below

Thanks for your reply. That’s the kind of solution I was thinking about. The FAB is placed on top of a webviewer in the bottom right though, what’s the best way to position it?

You can use the Show Spotlight on FAB block


Oh wow I can’t believe I looked over that. Thanks I’ll give it a go.

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Just tried this out and the spotlight just highlights the bottom right corner and not where the FAB is. Any idea how to position it correctly?

Edit: I figured out that this was an error caused by changing whether the FAB is shown/hidden and solved it by hiding and showing the FAB before calling the spotlight.

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