CardView Extension's Component in Makeroid

Hii @Sander ,
I was searching through cradview extension in the community !
and found this toipc

Material Cards + Camera Viewer (SPONSORED!) - Extensions - Kodular Community

Where you also mentioned this in reply

this post is in December 2017 and still i can’t find this component in Makeroid.
I want thia to be added with same blocks if u again visit and see the topic. but not exactly same it wanna the edges of cardview to be some what rounded

Even while loading image from the web server their should add cardview with title and blank image and side by side it loads images which gives app a fast look ! :fast_forward:

Like this Images Are Loading even while scrolling not at once first it loads all images and then show the cards

`Please check this video for a Demo or idea


Even check this and compare it with :arrow_up: video’s cards

I hope u understand!

Sorry if i had done anything wrong , specially peter , i know he will say that don’t tag any in the first post :wink:

Well, you have the CardView Component where you can place there any layout you want which is fully customizable

And the Camera Viewer is the Surface View component

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Can’t find any block in Card_View component avalible in Makeroid.

please once visit the topic Images are avalible there. It seems you had not visited the topic.

Because if we add blocks to it we would limit the possibilities of the component
But we made it in a way you can add sub-arrangements so you can design anything you want manually