Chatview need help

i tested
this and this do
not work.

Eeehm, do you get the same error as @debnathtapash56? If so, show your blocks so I can see :slight_smile:

no i get for a item of a list of null. i mean i get only the ta value. of the data changed block. You set the value in a global vairalble with the block list of a row… and take with the block item in list /index. but the list is null so you dont get the items of the list because the list is null.

Can you share some blocks @plang58?
It works perfectly for me, I have absolutely no problems with the view of chat or storing all data.

strange, i cannot send it because i use my version again. this works for me what i sent you. maybe there was problem with that that you use the text box text and i set the text to a global variable. and i get the username from the dialog… maybe this makes the different but the logic i used yours. But makes no different now because i have a working version. and if your version works for you too than its fine. thx for your help really nice people need this.

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did you test if your id sysdtem works if 2 or 3 devises chatt with each other . i dontthink that this will work

Yes, this works, me and my wife is using this chat on different devices :wink:

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