CheckBox, somando total de click

Boa noite, estou com dificuldades em pegar uma checkbox e fazer sua soma toda veze que ela for clicada, toda vez que eu clicar na checkbox ela automaticamente soma +1.
Alguem poderia me ajudar???

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Welcome @Alisson_Silva
Official language of community is English, so please translate your post.

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Welcome @Alisson_Silva :tada: :tada:
The official language of community is English, so please translate your post.

As per google translate… Good night, I’m having trouble picking up a checkbox and making its sum every time it is clicked, every time I click on the checkbox it automatically adds +1.
Can anybody help me???

He wrote in Portuguese…

You should learn a few basics first before you ask questions here.
By far the best source for learning AI2 (Kodular and the other distros) is Here you will find everything that is needed.

And please read this:



You need to read about programming logic. What you want to create is an accumulator. It is part of the learning to know about accumulators / counters, variables, repetition structure, If else, lists / arrays, data types …